Raj Guru

Raj Guru

Managing Attorney at IMMLAWS

IMMLAW is a group of experienced immigration lawyers, each of whom is dedicated to providing the highest quality legal services to his or her clients. IMMLAW attorneys include national leaders in the immigration field, and well-known authors and lecturers. IMMLAW members are strategically located throughout the United States in centers of business and economic growth and major gateway cities where there is a demonstrated need for quality legal assistance.

IMMLAW members practice autonomously, but share their knowledge and expertise to the benefit of their client. IMMLAW members exchange ideas and information in emerging areas so that their clients can benefit from the most innovative, highly sophisticated techniques.

The client who engages an IMMLAW member knows that his/her lawyer has continuing access to other IMMLAW members. IMMLAW maintains an active communications network to disseminate information, techniques and successful strategies for meeting client needs. IMMLAW clients receive the benefits of the knowledge and experience of the entire network.