Jonathan Wasden

Jonathan Wasden

Partner, Wasden Banias, LLC

Jonathan (Jon) D. Wasden is an Administrative Procedures Act (APA) litigation attorney, focusing on business immigration issues.

His practice blends expertise in the Immigration and Nationality Act, Administrative Procedures Act, Separation of Powers Doctrine, and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. He began his legal career as a trial attorney in the US Air Force, appearing in over fifty criminal trials in six years. He then joined the US Department of Justice, Civil Division, Office of Immigration Litigation-District Court Section, where he defended immigration regulations and decisions under the APA. He travelled extensively, and litigated cases in 17 district courts and 3 circuit courts across the country. His last position in government was with the Administrative Appeals Office (AAO), focusing on employment based legal issues, and advising on litigation in these areas.

Jon now works in private practice consulting with clients on strategies to overcome immigration denials, and appealing cases in federal court under the APA. He lives in the Washington, DC, area, with his family, and is still a member of the US Air Force Reserve.