

CTO Panel: AI, Machine Learning and Block Chain: Will they just be buzzwords or pillars of our technological future?

18 th October, Friday 1:30 PM - 03:00 PM Schaumburg Ballroom

Panelists: Wesley Mukai, Bart Dolega, Abhijit Pandit, Sujal Patel, Michael Pegues, Uday Kanukolanu, Ajay Waghray, Sriram Ganapathy

Moderated by: Kishore Khandavalli, Gopi Kandukuri

A panel of leading technologists is going to passionately discuss and debate the latest technological revolutions and how our lives and businesses are starting to get impacted. Therein lies a great business opportunity for all of us! Panel will help us identify & guide us to pursue these upcoming opportunities in order gain market share in this era of Digital Transformation.